Eco Advocacy

Truth | Justice | Awareness | Sustainabilty


Built Heritage

Snow Scene-Bective Abbey
Snow Scene-Bective Abbey

At Eco Advocacy, we consider Heritage to be an important part of what we do. We are most concerned at the amount of unresolved material lying around the country, curtsy of various investigating archaeologist. This material cannot be lodged with the National Museum until the requisite reports are prepared and then submitted with the material. The material consist of bones; Human and Fauna together with other recovered artefacts. Much of the material is from dormant sites left behind in the wake of the 'Celtic tiger' years [in the Irish context] where developers went into liquidation and are out of funds.

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Irish Environmental Network Member Logo

Eco Advocacy is a member of the Irish Environmental Network and is part funded by the IEN.


For more information on the IEN, please visit

Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment logo

Eco Advocacy is part funded by the Deptartment of Communications,
Climate Action and Environment.


You can find more about the department here: Dept. Comms, Climate Action and Environment